Combining USB’s antimicrobial therapy guidelines, infektioStandards, with Sanford Guide’s digital content, this integrated resource presets globally recognized guidelines alongside respected Swiss recommendations. Accessible via the web, iOS, and Android, Sanford Guide + infektioStandards (formerly "Weissbuch") provides European clinicians with the information they need to make patient treatment decisions based on trusted international and regional recommendations.
Your 1-year subscription to Sanford Guide + infektioStandards includes:
- Sanford Guide digital content (English), continually updated
- infektioStandards (German)
- Access via web, iPhone, iPad, Android devices
Full text search provides fast access, detailed search results, and highlighted search terms, while intuitive menus provide another way to navigate this extensive content collection. The Sanford Guide app also provides user-created bookmarks and notes, allowing you to access content according to the way you work.
Apps are optimized for Android 11 and above, and iOS 15 and above.
Sanford Guide Topics Covered
- Syndromes / Diseases
- Organized by site of infection
- Pathogens
- Bacterial
- Fungal
- Mycobacterial
- Parasitic
- Viral
- Patient Evaluation
- Diagnosis
- Resistance and Mutations
- Antiretroviral Therapy
- Antiretroviral Drug Information
- Opportunistic Infections
- Hepatitis
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis D
- Hepatitis Immunization
- Anti-infective Drugs
- Antibacterial
- Antifungal
- Antimycobacterial
- Antiparasitic
- Antiviral
- Antiretroviral
- Prevention
- Immunization
- Surgical procedures
- Dental procedures
- Post-exposure prophylaxis
- Transplants
- U.S. Vaccine Guidelines
- Tables and Tools
- Activity spectra (bacterial, fungal, viral)
- Vancomycin AUC24 Calculator (trapezoidal model)
- Pharmacology
- Drug-drug interactions
- Renal dosing
- Pediatric dosing (>=28 days)
- Pregnancy risk categories
- Use of antimicrobials during lactation
- Dosing calculators (creatinine clearance, colistin dosing, etc)
- Dosing tools (obesity, continuous / prolonged infusion, desensitization)
- Many more...
infektioStandards Themen Enthalten
- Allgemeine Infektiologie
- Sepsis und empirische Infektionstherapie
- Infektiöse Endokarditis (IE)
- Intravaskuläre Katheterinfektionen
- Letzte Revision: Juli 2016
- Ambulant erworbene Pneumonie
- Im Spital erworbene Pneumonie
- Tuberkulose
- Harnwegsinfektion (HWI)
- ZNS-Infektionen
- Haut- und Weichteilinfektionen (Erysipel, Zellulitis, nekrotisierende Fasziitis)
- Intraabdominale Infektionen (IAI)
- Gelenkprotheseninfektionen
- Zecken-übertragene Erkrankungen in der Schweiz
- Dosierung von Anti-Infektiva bei Patienten mit Infektionen und Niereninsuf zienz, Hämodialyse und Hämo ltration (für Erwachsene)
- HIV-Infektion
- Human Immunode ciency Virus (HIV)-Infektion und erworbenes Immunde zit-Syndrom (AIDS)
- Antiretrovirale Medikamente
- Liste der möglichen Abklärungen von symptomatischen HIV-in zierten Patienten
- Opportunistische Infektionen: Neurologische Krankheitsbilder bei HIV-Infektion
- Opportunistische Infektion bei HIV-Patienten: Prophylaxe und Therapie
- Sexuell übertragbare Infektionen
- HIV in der Geburtshilfe
- Postexpositionsprophylaxe (PEP)
- Infektionen bei Immunsuppression
- Prophylaxe und empirische antimikrobielle Therapie bei febrilen neutropenischen Patienten (Isolierstationsrichtlinien)
- Impfungen bei transplantierten PatientenInfektionen bei Immunsuppression
- Tropenmedizin
- Malaria-Richtlinien
- Diverses
- Interpretation von Körper üssigkeiten
- Massnahmen bei möglicher Tollwutexposition
- Perioperative Antibiotikaprophylaxe
Key Features
- App works on devices running Android (8.1+) or iOS (13.6+), with internet connectivity required only for monthly updates and external links.
- Sanford Guide for Web may be accessed from any computer with an internet connection.
- Seamless integration of Antimicrobial Therapy, HIV/AIDS Therapy, Hepatitis Therapy, and infektioStandards digital material.
- Daily updates with the latest evidence.
- Extensive internal links to related content.
- External links to medical literature references.
- Interactive features, such as dosing calculators and algorithms.
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Please contact our team for information.